Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Looking to '09

It's been a crazy year. I keep thinking, "As soon as things slow down, I'm going to _______." But things never do slow down, do they? If I'm going to ever ______, I really just ought to jump in and do it. I so easily get overwhelmed. I seem to forget that I'm not really in control. I don't have to sweat this stuff so much. I can relax a little now and then. I'm from a long line of ADD folks, so it takes an effort to focus on one thing at a time. But I know I can. I am equipped to handle anything that comes my way, because God will get me through. I don't deserve His love and grace, yet there it is. My prayer for 2009 is that I remember all He's done and promises to do, and that I keep His Word ever in my mind and heart. I want my actions and reactions to be colored by His presence in my life. Happy New Year, everyone!

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