Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm funny, really

Seriously funny - that's me. At work, at church, everywhere I go, I keep 'em laughing. But I can't be funny on my blog. What is up with that? I read a lot of blogs, and bloggers are funny. They have great stories about their everyday lives that are just hysterical. But I can't come up with a thing. Maybe it's my writing skills (or lack there of). Or maybe my life really is dull and boring, and I just haven't noticed yet.

I do know you can't be funny on purpose or it isn't funny. So I will NOT try to be funny. Absolutely not. Ever.

My cat is looking at me like I'm a nut; it must be the anguished expression on my face and the forceful clacking of the computer keys. OK, I admit it - I'll probably try just a little bit.


Anonymous said...

My mom and I think I'm hilarious. ;)

Gena said...

Yes, Kel -

You're one of the funny ones. :P

Mom said...

I think you are funny....

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Now you, my mom and I think I'm hilarious. ;) And for the record, you are indeed, funny!

I know what you mean, though. There is some really funny stuff out there.

*sigh* I'm such a wannabe.