Saturday, February 12, 2011


I can't believe how time flies these days. I've been at my current employer for over 3 years; my birthday is just around the corner; my nephew is almost 21 years old; my husband is an old man :). And my parents have been married 49 years!

I guess I am starting to feel old physically (I don't work out, you know). But I don't feel old in my mind. I don't feel young, necessarily, but I don't feel different. It's like I've learned things along the way, but my thought processes have always been the same - which really can't be true, can it?

But I'm starting to look around me and see things pass me by. I used to be cutting edge - latest and greatest technology and all that. Not anymore. Just got our first GPS this Christmas (thanks mom). Last Christmas was the first digital camera. I don't have or even want a Smart phone. Am I the only one who thinks those things are ridiculously expensive? Not the phone itself, but the service plans to actually be able to use them. And it's all just frivolous stuff. My folks have HD tv and DVR all their shows. We don't even have a flat screen. I have 3 songs on my MP3 player.

Oh well, pretty soon I'll just be "cute" and "quaint". The younger people at church already call me "Miss Gena". Oh how I hate that!

I'm left with the occasional blog post, fantasy football and online banking as my high tech achievements. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

I could've written the very same post. ;)

Gena said...

You can borrow it, if you want to. :)

Tori said...

Enjoy being called Miss Gena. My kids would be calling you Mrs. because you are a married lady. I'm old fashioned like that. The only exception is our next-door neighbor Miss Dorothy. She's 80 and can be called whatever she likes. :)

Smartphones seem really cool, but I cannot fathom what I would actually *do* with one. We don't have flat-screen TV either. Or cable. And still rely heavily on the VCR to watch the few network shows we follow. Big-time techno geeks at my house.

Gena said...

Tori -
I wouldn't mind if it were just the kids. But these "kids" are in their 20's!

We went cable-less for a while; but I'm a sports fan and couldn't handle life without ESPN.

Anonymous said...

When I was your age there was no internet, cell phones, home computers, etc. So, how do you think I feel?

Anonymous said...

....that was your mom speaking.

Anonymous said...

....that was your mom speaking.

Mom said...

Is there an echo here?

Gena said...

Hi, mom -

I know YOU are old; I'm talking about me!

Besides, you have a wii - you're young at heart.